Cosco Shipping opens new route from Far East to West Coast of South America

COSCO Shipping recently announced that its car carrier "M.V. COSCO Teng Fei" (M.V. COSCO Teng Fei) has set off from Shanghai and embarked on its maiden voyage. The 2,756-car vessel will travel to Chancay, Peru, and other South American destinations, marking the official opening of direct service from the Far East to the west coast of South America for COSCO Shipping's car carrier fleet.
Meanwhile, the "M.V. COSCO SHIPPING Honor" completed the Break bulk of equipment and frame Container in just one day at Chanchai Port and departed the port smoothly. This new route is the fourth scheduled route after the company's successful opening of routes in the Persian Gulf, South-East Africa and Europe.
The new route is scheduled to run once a month, mainly calling at the Port of Cianchai in Peru and the Port of San Antonio in Chile. In addition, ports in Country such as Columbia and Ecuador will be included to meet market demand. By promoting the "Shanghai-Qianchai" direct route, Yuanhai Automobile Transportation Company is committed to improving the comprehensive automobile logistics supply chain services around Qianchai Port.