For the safety of people, ships, goods and the environment, six top shipping companies have joined forces!

2023-03-01 491

Four liner companies-Evergreen Shipping, Maersk, Japan Ocean Network (ONE) and Hanshin Shipping (HMM)-teamed up with independent container ships East Seaspan and Offen Group partnered with Lloyd's (LR)-the for-profit group was set up to launch a new innovative plan to reduce the likelihood and impact of fire or cargo overboard at sea.

The security challenges faced by operators remain severe, including the complexity and increasing size of modern container ships (Container cost from Chinese), and more and moreLithium batteries or electric vehicles are transported in Container or on car carriers.Fire and cargo damage at sea not only directly affect the safety of people on board, but also may pose a huge potential threat to the environment.

Safety Technology Accelerator Cargo Fire and Cargo Loss Innovation Program (CFLII) is a collaborative technology acceleration program that will help solve the above problems.

The CFLII initiative includes three important topics of concern: the first is about cargo control on board ships, including whether cargo is properly loaded, bound and monitored during transportation.The second theme is the ability to detect onboard fires and prevent their spread through effective onboard responses, especially on large container ships and motor carriers.Third, the related challenges brought by the large-scale ships.

Nick Gross, head of global Container at Lloyd's Register and chairman of the CFLII initiative, said: "We are excited to work with our Cornerstone partners to launch this initiative to try and implement innovative technologies to prevent onboard cargo from catching fire.Make concerted efforts to solve the fire risk of ship cargoCrucial.

Xie Huiquan, general manager of EVA Shipping, said: "We are committed to personnel training and aim to provide a safe and high-quality working environment for seafarers. By participating in the CFLII innovation program, we aim to work closely with all stakeholders to jointly guaranteeContainer transportation of goodsSafety. "Safe. "

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Kim Gyou bong, chief maritime officer of HMM, said: "I am very happy to join this cooperation plan with major industry partners and look forward to developing advanced technologies to significantly reduce the risk of safety accidents."

Aslak Ross, Maersk Safety Management System Designator (DPA), said: "The safety of employees is always the most important thing. Therefore, reducing the risk of cargo fire is the top priority of Maersk and the whole industry. Maersk firmly" believes that the whole industry should share experiences to improve safety. Safetytech Accelerator CFLII Innovation Program is a good platform to bring stakeholders together and find new and effective solutions to cargo fire problems. "

Seaspan Designator Alfred Gomez said: "Security is the core of Seaspan culture. We are very happy to cooperate with industry leaders to carry out an innovation plan aimed at continuously improving and solving existing and emerging challenges in our dynamic industry."

Safetytech Accelerator managing director Maurizio Pilu said eliminating cargo fires and cargo damage is a huge challenge, and if it happens, the impact could be enormous.

In the past few years, the problem of fire at sea has plagued the operators of container ships and automobile ships to a great extent, especially the transportation of electric vehicles equipped with lithium batteries. Once the fire breaks out, it is often difficult to control it.

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